by Holger 'H-Ray' Heine


Greetings from Honolulu Hawaii, the new home of DIGITALSOULS.COM.  After many years in San Francisco, we have moved to Hawaii and are now enjoying life on Oahu.

It's been awhile since the last newsletter went out and, as you can see, a lot has happened since.

Here are our most recent 3 posts:

Mona Covid & Co
It’s been more than nine months since we posted our “first” visual response to the Covid-19 epidemic, Mona Covid. Since then, the idea of adding masks to paintings and people…
Was this post written by a machine?
The question is not as far fetched as you might think. And — even though this will not settle the matter — let me give you my answer right away: No, this post was not written by a machine. It was written by a real…
Free Books About Pandemic & Contagion from Duke University Press
From Duke University Press comes free books on pandemics and contagion. They write: “Amid the worldwide spread of COVID-19, it’s a challenging time, and our thoughts are with those affected by this disease. In support and solidarity, we are providing free access to the following…

It's been a long time since our last email, so we understand if you want to change or cancel your subscription, but we do look forward to staying in touch with occasional news and updates.

With Aloha,

Holger 'H-Ray' Heine, PhD
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1050 Queen Street, Suite 100, Honolulu, HI 96814